April 12, 2022

Interstaff’s Clinical Interview Process



The last step of our application process involves a 20-minute phone interview with the nurse and an Interstaff Clinical Team member.

Once a nurse schedules their interview, we send a video link to help the nurse become acquainted with the interviewer and Interview Tips to help them prepare for the meeting. To ensure a successful discussion, nurses should be in a quiet environment without background noise or potential interruptions. The interview explores the nurse’s educational background, experience, and certifications. We also encourage candidates to ask questions about our program and any other inquiries they have.

Interstaff’s Clinical Team comprises three qualified nurses with extensive experience in the nursing field. Our interviewers seek candidates with steady hospital experience, dynamic skillsets, positive attitudes, and a desire to help those in need. Confidence is also essential. We expect candidates to articulate their roles and responsibilities at their hospital clearly. 

I look for nurses with exceptional communication skills, high emotional intelligence, and situational awareness. Honesty, integrity, and humility are three qualities I value most when I make a hiring decision.” – said Stacy, Clinical Services Director at Interstaff. 

Our Clinical Team reviews each candidate’s file and delivers a decision within four business days of their interview. We then send a contract highlighting our terms and expectations to those chosen for our program.

If you are a nurse who yearns to join an exceptional team that’s passionate about serving patients with empathy, please click here to apply.
