
There are many fun facts related to the profession of nursing. Said facts include the establishment of historical schools, the foundation of modern nursing and so much more. We’d like to highlight our top 3 favorite nurse facts!

  1. Nursing is considered one of the most highly-trusted professions.
    The annual Gallup Survey has named nursing as the highest-trusted profession for the 14th year in a row. Nurses are viewed as having high ethical and honesty standards by 85% of the public who took the survey. (National Health Care Provider Solutions)
  2. Nurses walk approximately 4 miles each day.
    In 2006, MEDSURG Nursing published a study that revealed the nurses they studied walked an average of 4-5 miles during a 12-hour shift. To put that number in perspective, the typical American walks about 2.5-3 miles during an 18-hour day. (TravelNursing.com)
  3. Nursing growth outpaced U.S. population growth.
    According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, the nursing population grew by 24.1% in the 2000s, with 500,000 registered nurses joining the workforce, and 90,000 new Licensed Practice Nurses (LPNs). This growth rate is faster than the growth rate of the United States’ general population during the same time period. (VeryWellHealth.com)

The field of nursing is one of many facets. We truly appreciate all of the hard work that goes into excelling at such a demanding profession. Happy National Nurses Week!
